Common Problems and Solutions

I'm trying to take an order, but nothing happens

When you press the Buy Satoshis or Sell Satoshis button on an offer, @lnp2pbot will respond privately with what you need to do to complete the process. For the bot to respond to your request, it's necessary to initialize it because no bot can open a chat with you initially if you haven't used it before. Open @lnp2pbot and type the command /start or tap the Start button, then try taking the order again, return to the bot, and follow its instructions.

  • If you were already using the bot and the last time you did so was before March 2023, you need to reinitialize it with the command /start because it was reset, and its previous database wasn't preserved.

I tried to pay an invoice with an insufficiently funded wallet, and now @lnp2pbot tells me the invoice was used

Wait for 15 minutes for the transaction time to expire, and then initiate it again to generate a new invoice.

My counterpart had an issue sending me the fiat payment and then disappeared; my sats got stuck

The transaction will automatically cancel after 23 hours, and your satoshis will appear in your wallet as a failed payment. If you want to expedite the process, you can open a dispute with the command /dispute <order id>.

A user mistakenly took my purchase, and I've already made the payment in satoshis

A cooperative cancellation can be initiated. Both parties need to execute the command /cancel <order id>.

I canceled an order, but the sats haven't returned to my wallet. How long should I wait?

When an order is canceled, the seller's satoshis immediately return to the node/wallet that made the payment. If you use a self-custody wallet or your own node, you won't have any issues. However, if you use a wallet that custodies your funds, you'll need to wait for them to reflect your balance in their internal system. This can take from a few minutes to a couple of hours depending on the wallet, but all wallets return 100% of your funds. Patience is key.

I'm buying, and the bot doesn't ask me for an invoice; instead, it directly connects me with the seller

This happens when you have a lightning address activated. In that case, the purchased satoshis will be sent directly there without asking for a new invoice for each purchase. To check your lightning address, type the command /settings within the bot. If you want to deactivate it, type the command /setaddress off within the bot.