Tips to Avoid Scams

  • If you're using @lnp2pbot for the first time, educate yourself about how it works, review available documentation, and start with small amounts until you fully understand the process.

  • Before accepting an offer, check the user's reputation, the number of trades, the bot usage time, as well as the trade volume if visible. Be wary of offers that seem too good, especially if they come from users with a short history using the bot but with numerous operations.

  • Avoid engaging in trades outside the bot.

  • Do not agree to change the fiat payment method if it wasn't part of the initial offer.

  • If you feel uncomfortable with a trade, you can request a cooperative cancellation as long as the fiat hasn't been sent.

  • Exercise caution with new and low-volume communities.

  • Do not agree to trade in another community if it wasn't your choice.

  • If you're planning to open a dispute, do it on time, well before 23 hours have passed since the offer was accepted.

  • If you notice suspicious behavior, report it to the corresponding community administrators. They can take appropriate measures to protect users and inform administrators of other communities.

  • Share only essential personal information necessary for the exchange. Avoid providing more information than necessary, such as your personal phone number, address, etc.

  • If someone you've traded with before sends you fiat money without prior notice (even claiming it was a mistake) and demands you send them the corresponding Sats, it could be a bridge scam. In such cases, it's advisable to return the fiat to the same account it was sent from and avoid continuing with the forced exchange they're attempting to push you into.