Managing a Community

Once the community has been created, it is necessary to start the administration work.

The first thing is to designate at least one person to resolve disputes that arise. That person is the solvers.

Then, establish the channels in which purchases and sales will be made. At first, a single channel will suffice for both, but as the community grows it may be necessary to establish a channel for each.

Another of the tasks of the administrator is to decide the rate that the community will charge. Here you have the explanation of how the rates work.

The administrator can modify any field of the community whenever he wants.

IMPORTANT: To execute the community administration commands, the community with which you want to work must be selected by default. To do this, use the 'Use by default' button that is displayed after executing /findcomms, you can also do it with the command /setcomm @tobemanagedgroup. A telegram group gets its @group by going public.