
Since its inception, @lnp2pbot has charged a fee to the seller for a successfully completed order, which is currently set at 0.6%. When the order is created within a community, the bot splits this fee: a portion goes to the bot, and the rest becomes the community's profit.

The proportions are: 67% of the commission goes to the bot, and the remaining 33% goes to the community.

For example, in a transaction of 100,000 satoshis, the seller pays a commission of 600 satoshis. From that amount, 402 satoshis go to the bot, and the remaining 198 satoshis go to the community.

However, to incentivize competition, the community has the authority to decrease its 'profit'. Instead of charging the entire 33%, it can reduce a percentage in its commissions.

In the previous example, instead of charging the full 198 satoshis (100%), it could choose to charge 99 satoshis (50%). The remaining satoshis act as a discount for the seller, who would then pay 501 satoshis instead of the initial 600 satoshis.